
Combatting Performative Allyship in Games

Gaming Culture

Gamers, let’s play categories. 

At the top, you’ve got gamers who believe politics has no part in games. These are the GamerGate people. Gamergaters, this article isn’t for you — you can go back to rising up or yelling at teenagers in CoD.

That leaves people who believe politics have a place in games. Maybe you believe that games should mostly avoid politics, but you don’t want a situation like Blizzard kicking out players for saying something anti-fascist against China. Or maybe you think it’s ridiculous how sexist gaming communities are, and/or that the frequency of sexual harassment in and around eSports communities is too high. Or you just want to be able to play your game without getting called every variety of slur. 

Whatever it is, you agree that politics have someplace in games.